The fine print. Or rather the very small print that we see on all kinds of marketing materials is just way too small. It has its place on pill bottles (not a large canvas to work on) and some disclaimers and legalese that know body wants us to read anyway. But honestly if we have to get our reading glasses on to see a business card, then it's too tiny. Is there too much info that needs to be on it? Then do a brochure. I see lots of space around little bits of type far too often. In fact I didn't include an example here because there are too many and I would embarrass someone in the process. So I include a piece of driftwood I took a picture of one day at Goose Spit Comox BC instead. This is a blogfolio after all.Websites geared for seniors with wee letters, in grey, on black backgrounds, how thoughtful. Some say bigger type doesn't look as professional. Hogwash. Remember messages don't get read at the best of times. At least my typo's are always in plain view.
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